Pratt J, Jeffers D, King EC, Kappelman MD, Collins J, Margolis P, Baron H, Bass JA, Bassett MD, Beasly GL, Benkov KJ, Bornstein JA, Cabrera JM, Crandall W, Dancel LD, Garin-Laflam MP, Grunow JE, Hirsch BZ, Hoffenberg E, Israel E, Jester TW, Kiparissi F, Lakhole A, Lapsia SP, Minar P, Navarro FA, Neef H, Park KT, Pashankar DS, Patel AS, Pineiro VM, Samson CM, Sandberg KC, Steiner SJ, Strople JA, Sudel B, Sullivan JS, Suskind DL, Uppal V, Wali PD. Implementing a novel quality improvement-based approach to data quality monitoring and enhancement in a multipurpose clinical registry. EGEMS 2019; 7(1): 51

The impact of data quality improvement support to care centers was evaluated using statistical process control methodology. Data quality measures were defined, performance feedback of those measures using statistical process control charts was implemented, and reports that identified data items not following data quality checks were developed to enable centers to monitor and improve the quality of their data.

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