ImproveCareNow Accommodations
Episode 30 of the imPACt podcast - High School, College, Grad School & IBD
Join Vanessa, Hannah and Fionna for their conversation about IBD during different stages of schooling. Between the three, they have lived experiences with both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, with being diagnosed at different life stages (during early education and in high school) and with balancing high school, college and grad school with IBD.
Episode 27 of the imPACt podcast - Mental Health and IBD Flares
Welcome to the second episode in a 3-podcast series we're doing in collaboration with the ICN SWAP group (SWAP stands for Social Workers & Psychologists). In this episode, you'll hear me (Ryleigh) and my fellow PAC member Avery talking with Lauren Potthoff, PhD - an IBD psychologist at Lurie Children's in Chicago - about mental health during IBD flares.
PAC Moment: IBD, College & Routines
It’s back to school time! For Fionna accommodations and communicating with her professors has been super helpful! Let’s see what PAC members have to say about managing IBD at college, and how it impacts their routines.
What I Wish I Knew About J-Pouch/Ostomy Takedown Surgery
Hello everyone, it’s Hannah! In early December of 2020, I had my ostomy reversal or takedown surgery to create my J-Pouch. I knew from talking with my doctor some of what to expect: waking up with lots of tubes, feeling tired and sore. But it was through reading articles about other people’s J-pouch experiences (those who just had surgery and those who have lived with their pouch for some time) that I was able to prepare myself for what to anticipate physically after surgery. Looking back now, I realize I’ve learned a lot, that there are things I wish I had known, and that I want to share what I’ve learned so others can know what to expect.
A 504 plan helps school staff understand how they can support you
High school can be one of the most interesting times of your life. It’s fast-paced and you are faced with new challenges, experiences, subjects and adventures! High school is a challenge on its own and having IBD makes it even more difficult, especially because of its unpredictability. Going through one of the worst flares of my life during high school, I missed tons of school, and sometimes even when I was present, my body was so tired that I could not pay attention well. It was around this time that my school nurse told me it would be a good idea to get a 504 plan.
New Resource: PAC Accommodations Toolkit
As co-chair of the Patient Advisory Council (PAC) Advocacy task force, I am excited to announce our new Accommodations Toolkit! Becky and I (with lots of support from the entire PAC and ICN social workers) developed this toolkit as a resource to help patients, parents and providers better understand and navigate the accommodations process.