ImproveCareNow Coronavirus_perspectives
Going with the Flow: Observations from an IBD Patient and Employee in Healthcare
On New Year’s Eve, my family has a tradition of writing our New Year’s resolutions on pieces of paper and then sharing them with each other amidst chuckles and teases. However, last year, we decided to do something a little different. “Let’s not choose a resolution,” we said. “And just go with the flow.” That concept could not have been more fitting or appropriate for 2020.
Top Ten LOOP posts of 2020
So far, in 2020, 50 stories have been shared #InTheLOOP. Thirty-four community members have written about IBD from their perspectives as patients, parents, researchers, clinicians, improvers and friends. They have covered topics ranging from COVID-19 and telehealth, to IBD research and innovation projects, to their struggles, triumphs and hopes for the future.
LOOP continues to make an impact in the IBD community, as a place where people can share their experiences and perspectives, to help others understand the realities of life with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis more clearly, and to keep us all #TalkingAboutIBD. Without further ado, here are the stories you read the most in 2020!
Dealing with COVID isolation as a high risk patient
As a high-risk graduate student who's been remote since March, I'm no stranger to the COVID isolation fatigue that many of us have been experiencing. It’s been a challenge to work, attend classes, take care of my health, and balance daily life without the usual in-person interactions I’m used to. The days can feel like a blur when we do everything from home - setting boundaries and creating some semblance of ‘normalcy’ has been tricky, to say the least.
A few of the things I’ve noticed help me cope right now:
Coronavirus Perspectives: Every day I make lists of things I want to do
We believe everyone’s story matters and is important and can change someone else’s story. In the midst of the current global coronavirus pandemic it feels more important than ever to share our stories, experiences, knowledge and know-how widely, to stay connected virtually and to continue reminding each other - we are not alone!
Thanks for sharing your perspective, Jen!
Coronavirus Perspectives: Art & music are how I’m coping
We believe everyone’s story matters and is important and can change someone else’s story. In the midst of the current global coronavirus pandemic it feels more important than ever to share our stories, experiences, knowledge and know-how widely, to stay connected virtually and to continue reminding each other - we are not alone!
Thanks to PAC (Patient Advisory Council) member, Quint for sharing his perspective!
Coronavirus Perspectives: Stay safe and reach out when you need it
We believe everyone’s story matters and is important and can change someone else’s story. In the midst of the current global coronavirus pandemic it feels more important than ever to share our stories, experiences, knowledge and know-how widely, to stay connected virtually and to continue reminding each other - we are not alone!
Thank you so much to PAC (Patient Advisory Council) member, Becky who shared her perspective on life with IBD in the time of coronavirus and the disease it causes – called COVID 19.