ImproveCareNow melida_busch
My Interview with Melida from the ICN Exchange Team
Melida, can you give us a professional snapshot of who you are?
I have an elevator speech, “My name is Melida, I am passionate about Information and Knowledge Management & Knowledge Creation within research communities. I believe good data makes all the difference.” I also have a professional identity: Melida Busch, MLIS, and Director of Cincinnati Children’s Edward L. Pratt Research Library, of which I am proud. I work with the @ICNExchange team which provides me the pleasure of being connected to the ImproveCareNow community.
What will you be sharing at the Community Conference?
My colleague Sheryl Sheldon and I will be presenting on the use of the ICN Exchange as an empowering tool for all members of ICN to “share seamlessly and steal shamelessly”. The ICN community produces a lot of tools and resources, but until we use them, share them and improve them, they really aren’t very meaningful. We’re hoping to make our break-out session very practical, i.e. “This is how you use the ICN Exchange”, while reminding folks that it’s them and not the tools that make the ICN Exchange powerful. Hence the name for the session: “You are How Data Becomes Knowledge”…
How does this session/focus pertain to parents? Or how can parents use the information as part of our mission to help improve care.
Obviously partnering with patients and parents is a key tenant within the ImproveCareNow community. I think increasing both the amount and the diversity of the tools, resources and stories that patients and parents share on the ICN Exchange will have a direct impact on the improvement of care in the treatment of children with chronic IBD throughout the network.
Also, sharing in the commons increases your sphere of influence, not only in the potential number of people reached, but also in the ability of those whom you do not currently know to find your contributions later. You have the ability to make a big difference in your community long term, with what feels like such a small action.
Beta Forever!
Dave Davis :: Dreaming the Perfect Exchange
If you haven’t noticed, the ICN Exchange team thinks you’re special. Why? Well, when we set off on this journey to create...
...we weren't really sure how to do it. So we asked for your help, and you have continued to tell us what works and what doesn't ever since. You have given us your time and your ideas and we hope you can see the difference it has made in making the ICN Exchange the knowledge-sharing tool you need. A platform that helps all of us pursue our shared mission of transforming care, health and costs for all kids with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis - of being the 'cure for waiting for the cure'.
We have always known that our work is rooted in community-building, and connecting people and ideas; not necessarily in technology. Your participation continues to confirm our belief.
Here’s what we've learned, as you have joined our team in dreaming of the perfect ICN Exchange:
- Multiple “repins” of the same item can be confusing
- When an item is “repined” the conversation happening in the comment section does not transfer
- It would be great if you could search for a person, and if the search function were more efficient generally
- It can be hard to find what you are looking for, i.e. the navigation of the site should be more intuitive
- It’s difficult to upload and share items properly, especially if you have a lot to share
- On some mobile devices, the ICN Exchange experience is not great
ICN Exchange users, please let us know if we've missed anything.
P.S. If you want to learn even more about the ICN Exchange, check out our Harvard Open Forum Idea submission, an effort led by Dan McLinden. This is our response to the question: What proven innovations have you created that would enhance health care value in the U.S. if broadly disseminated?
URL for Harvard Open Forum:
BTW you can follow the ICN Exchange on Twitter, it's a great way to keep in touch & tells us what you think.