ImproveCareNow PFAC

Episode 34 of the imPACt podcast - Patient Engagement Guru, Sydney B

We've been getting to know ICN staff members through our imPACt ImproveCareNow network series (last time we talked with Chris Keck about why storytelling matters). In this episode, join Caitlyn, Vanessa and Fionna for a chat with Sydney Bogardus who supported the PAC and the PFAC (Patient/Family Advisory Council) for several years before taking on another role in ICN.

I wanted to share my family's experiences and see how I can help other IBD families

My name is Stacy and I am Co-Chair of the Children's Mercy IBD Patient Family Advisory Council (or "IBD PFAC" for short). I have twin boys and one of them is a patient of the Children's Mercy IBD Clinic. An interesting fact about me is that I am also an RN and I have worked for the Veteran's Hospital Administration for the past 17 years.

Our top 10 blog posts of 2022

LOOP is an important place for our community to keep #TalkingAboutIBD. It’s a place where #StoriesMatter - where they connect us, build confidence, validate our experiences, remind us we are not alone, and motivate us to continue improving together.

So far, in 2022, 41 stories have been published by patients, caregivers, clinicians, collaborators, researchers, staff & leaders from across the ICN community sharing their unique perspectives on and experiences with IBD. Our top stories this year have covered a variety of topics, including: research on diet and fatigue, innovative IBD projects, new member introductions and top tips for newly-diagnosed patients, conversations about medical trauma, collaborating with IBD caregivers, and gratitude for leadership and learning together so we can all improve the health and care of people living with IBD.

IGNITE - IBD is a marathon AND a sprint

Inspiring, honest and motivational. Those were the words used to describe IBD parent, Ildiko's #IgniteTalk. In it she reminded us all of the critically important and unique perspective that parents and caregivers of young people with IBD bring to the discussion. She asked us to remember that while we collaborate on the big challenges that IBD presents, there are also small things we can do to make a difference right now (like watching our language). And she issued a call to action for us to work together to make truly meaningful progress in outcomes for kids with IBD and also to really believe that radical, transformative progress is possible.

Be inspired by Ildiko's #IgniteTalk 🔥

Join Us - Fall 2022 *VIRTUAL* Community Conference

We are hosting a Fall 2022 Virtual Community Conference as a way for us to connect, share information and updates, and learn from each other. This event is online, and is free & open to all who want to attend. We are keeping it brief (90 minutes), conveniently timed (6:30-8pm ET/3:30-5pm PT) and flexible - making it easy for you to drop in for some or all of the event. Our content is all intentionally focused toward patients and caregivers living with IBD. So, please join us (and invite someone you care for to join us) for #ICNVCC on November 9 from 6:30-8pm ET/3:30-5pm PT. 

Parent reflections on our Fall 2022 Community Conference

Jane Weyer is a member of the ImproveCareNow Parent/Family Advisory Council and also an A-LiNK Connections Parent Co-Lead. She joined us at our Community Conference this September to reconnect with colleagues, friends and ICN family in person for the first time since 2019. Jane shared her own heartfelt reflection, as well as sentiments from PFAC members, about their time together in Dallas.

How to begin doing research with ImproveCareNow

The ICN Research committee encourages everyone to submit research proposals even if you think the research process might be too intimidating or difficult. Because when we ask and answer questions about IBD together as a community, we can get even better results.

A Thank You Letter to Jill Horan

Let’s all stop to take notice of one of the truly wonderful people around us: Jill Horan. The following reflection was written by incoming parent co-leaders, Heidi and Ildiko, as a celebration of the dedication, creativity, passion and kindness that Jill has brought to her careful tending of the ImproveCareNow Parent Working Group (which has announced a new name, by the way). 

The Spark That Set The Flame

I was a reluctant participant - I was perfectly content to let others lead the way. It wasn’t that I didn’t care, I just didn’t think I had anything of significant value that I could share. That’s not false modesty, I was literally fumbling through trying to understand what it meant to have two kids with a chronic disease that had no cure. That was until I began to partner with my local IBD care center and the larger ImproveCareNow community. 

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