ImproveCareNow Sarah_myers

Until we meet again

The days immediately following an ImproveCareNow Community Conference are always a bit of a let-down for me. After a frenzy of collaboration, learning, partnership, and celebration (not to mention the months of hard work leading up to it!), it just stops. There are many reflections and lessons that will be shared by me and others in the coming weeks (in the meantime, peruse the rich content on the #ICNCC15F twitter stream), but my thoughts--and hopes--for the community right now are quite simple as I enjoy a day of catching up and recharging.

Notes from the Field: Front Desk Staff Key to Patient Partnership

This experience was shared during an ImproveCareNow webinar by Cindy Gessouroun. I enjoyed her story so much, I asked her to share it here on LOOP. It's a simple, yet powerful example of how much we can accomplish together when we involve every person across the spectrum of care. I hope Cindy and Kim's story will be an inspiration, and that others will share their lessons about how best to identify and build relationships with patient and parent improvement partners!

The IBD team at Oklahoma University GI clinic was trying to identify parents to join our team. We asked providers for suggestions. We invited a few parents. We had an education day hoping to identify “interested’ parents at that event…however we continued to be without a parent partner. Kim, our front desk receptionist, attended her first Community Conference (CC) in Spring 2015. At our QI TEAM meeting after the CC she said, “I can find you parents!” She identified and invited 3 parents with whom she had formed a relationship throughout the years and who stood out to her as “potential involved partners”. After her phone calls she notified the research coordinator that ALL 3 parents said YES and showed up at the next meeting. Since then, they have stayed engaged and are slowly becoming partners with our TEAM. She had wonderful insight and her personal invitation must have been a good one!



Notes from the Field: Persistence

There is an articulate and thoughtful patient engagement leader from the UK who I follow on twitter named David Gilbert. Like me, you may enjoy reading some of his reflections on the key role of patient leaders in improving care and health systems and think about the lessons for your own work in integrating patient and parent partners into your improvement teams. In ImproveCareNow, we share a lot of writing and reflections from those working as IBD advocates and improvers, but I personally learn a lot from the perspective of those working on very different issues (though it’s amazing how much improving care for IBD actually does have in common with improving care for other chronic conditions like mental illness and even patient safety issues!). David shared a quote that made me think about the recent growth of patient partnership we’ve seen right here on this side of the pond in ImproveCareNow:

“Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.”  (Hal Borland)

I recently wrote about early lessons learned in the ImproveCareNow Engagement and Leadership Campaign. We were feeling our way, helping a small group of centers figure out what it meant to grow their teams by including more parent and patient partners in planning, carrying out, and evaluating the impact of improvement and awareness activities. While only three months have passed, so much has happened. The ImproveCareNow Community met in March at our Community Conference and we enjoyed watching clinicians, parents, patients, and others work together to share and improve upon ideas for helping more kids with IBD get into remission and stay there.


But the other thing that has happened in this short time is that watching engagement and partnership grow in ICN has become a bit less like patiently watching trees and a bit more like marveling at the persistence of grass. I sat down last week to review ImproveCareNow centers’ monthly narrative reports (in which they share their activities, barriers, and lessons learned), as well as recent activity on social media. I was thrilled to see concrete steps toward partnership taking place at a number of centers that had not yet begun this journey just a few months ago. Here are just a few snippets of what we are seeing emerge:


From ICN Centers’ narrative reports:

“We have sought and received very positive feedback from our parent who attended the meeting and will begin working with her to plan how we can involve her more actively and engage other families.”

“We are meeting with a hospital rep on Friday to work on formalizing a parent group!”

“We had our first meeting with our parent partner!” 

“We had a meeting in April with our parent and will conduct monthly meetings with her.”

CDavis ICN Exchange Post On our ICN Exchange

A Tweet about a center's first QI Meeting that included a parent partner On Twitter

There is indeed still so much work to do. There are more than 70 care centers in ImproveCareNow and many are still contemplating how best to launch and navigate these new types of partnerships with patients and families. But what I find encouraging is that the stories of progress that are emerging are not concentrated in one type of ImproveCareNow center or in one Learning Lab or in the centers that are known for being quicker to adapt to change. And they are not all stories of one type of engagement…building a mentoring program with patients or inviting a parent to join a QI meeting or having parents complete a survey about areas for improvement. Centers, with their patients, are trying to identify their own specific needs and assets and craft partnership opportunities that build upon them. They realize that not every partner—and not every clinician for that matter—is ready to engage at the same level (be it awareness, participation, contribution, or ownership as described by some of my colleagues in JAMA last year.) And they realize that that’s OK.


Partnering in these new ways can be hard. To extend the “persistence of grass” analogy, sometimes things grow too quickly and we even see weeds emerge. It takes work to get through those patches and get back to things growing the way they should. Patient partners may not feel heard right away—may not feel like full partners. Clinicians may feel worried about sharing their clinic’s opportunities for improvement and may even feel that their expertise—their ideas—carry less weight. As someone who helps the different stakeholders in this system work together, I am the first to admit that it is not always easy and can indeed be scary: We step on toes. We use the wrong words. We don’t always give everyone equal “airtime.”  But it’s particularly encouraging to see members of this community openly discussing these concerns and barriers and helping each other come up with ideas for surmounting them.


An apple treeThree months from now I fully expect we will have more progress to share and will continue to see the fruits of our patience over the years as we have watched this community grow.  I am eager to see community members share their stories on this blog and help us learn from and with them.

Communities are made up of smaller communities

Recently I shared several characteristics of communities that I believe are a key part of what makes ImproveCareNow more than an improvement Network, but a real community. One of the characteristics is that communities are made up of smaller communities.


In ImproveCareNow there is no shortage of smaller communities. The wonderful thing about some of these is that they have developed organically. For example, if you are a physician, nurse, parent, dietitian, improvement coordinator, or social worker, you are now part of a small but vibrant community that includes others in that same role. Members of these groups help on-board and mentor each other, take on small projects that help the whole Network focus on issues related to IBD care that might be overlooked by other roles, and provide a social support system that helps make each individual’s ImproveCareNow journey just a little bit more inclusive and fun.


Many of these small communities emerged from the interest, motivation, ideas, and leadership of their members. They are now largely self-driven and are even beginning to branch out in inter-community collaborations as a result of a “project pitch” session at our Spring Community Conference. There are also groups of like-minded people who have common interests and want to take on a project together, small committees that form to address a specific issue, and groups of people working together to plan aspects of our webinars and Community Conferences.


Some of our other smaller communities have been developed by design. In ImproveCareNow we talk a lot about our “Learning Labs”, which are small groups of ICN care centers with similar characteristics like size or organizational structure. Learning Labs enable centers to work more closely together to catalyze improvement and—perhaps more importantly—maintain that “small town” feeling that is such an important ingredient in our Network.


Why did we decide it was important to create Learning Labs? Back in 2008, there were eight ICN care centers. Everyone knew one another, all were aware of the projects that other centers were working on, the volume of messages on our listerv was not overwhelming, and our monthly webinars were full of lively, uninhibited conversation. Sharing was easy and the conversations were manageable; I like to say that we didn’t need the “mute” button on our webinars.


Mute button on phone


But as we grew these conversations became harder to manage; the background noise from many clinical settings was more distracting, the volume of e-mails in which centers shared updates and ideas was becoming frustrating to our participants, and there were more faces and names to remember. As a result, ICN leadership found ourselves doing more talking and the ICN care center teams doing more listening and less teaching and responding. Literally and figuratively, the Network was getting noisy and quiet at the same time. The most concerning side-effect was that big ideas that needed to be shared were getting drowned out by the noise—from a nurse who didn’t want to speak up on a large conference call to a parent partner who had a great idea but was concerned about putting it out there for the whole Network to see. It became challenging to maintain our ability to collaborate and share seamlessly. So we decided to try breaking out into smaller groups – much like we do during our Community Conferences – to increase our capacity for active and meaningful participation.


And so the ImproveCareNow Learning Labs were born.


Learning Labs as a Layer of Influence - Picturing a Red OnionToday we have seven Learning Labs. Each lab is guided by an assigned quality improvement coach and meets via webinar every other month to share lessons learned from quality improvement projects, share and discuss their center-specific data and outcomes, and develop ideas for collaboration. The labs spend time working together and sharing their progress at our Community Conferences; and they review written summaries of the best quality improvement ideas and barriers taking place within their Learning Lab on a regular basis so they can identify ways to accelerate their progress as a group.


We apply quality improvement principles to everything we do in ImproveCareNow, including testing changes and observing the results to determine whether they result in an improvement. The same is true for our Learning Lab model. What have we observed about the Learning Labs so far? We have seen stronger relationships form in these groups and have seen centers that would not previously have collaborated share ideas and launch projects together. We have seen nurses, improvement coordinators, and patient and parent partners speak up and teach on Learning Lab calls in ways they were not previously comfortable doing. The Learning Labs have also helped our leadership team achieve some key community-building goals:


A listing of the things we want people to be able to do as part of our commonsThe Learning Labs have become a fun and meaningful part of the ImproveCareNow journey. But there is so much more to learn about their impact on our centers, our Network outcomes, and on the participant experience. And knowing this community, they will look very different two years from now than they do today!


I am hoping that readers from our ImproveCareNow centers will share their experience with being in Learning Labs in the comments section below. How have they enhanced your experience? How would you change them for the better?

Communities take risks together.

I am writing this having just returned from several whirlwind days in Chicago at the first ever ImproveCareNow Community Conference. The ImproveCareNow Network has come together in person twice a year for seven years, but this was the first time this gathering was not called a Learning Session—the traditional Quality Improvement Collaborative term for in-person meetings. We changed the name for several reasons, the most important being that ImproveCareNow is now indeed a community. Here are some reasons why:


ImproveCareNow is a community


We have each of these things in ImproveCareNow and in future LOOP posts I will share examples of each. But one that I didn’t list,which became very clear to me at the conference, is that the best communities take risks together. I want to share a bit more about that here.


One of our conference goals was to brainstorm new interventions—in QI-speak, “changes to test,” - that will help us get even more kids with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis into remission. Prior to the conference, we developed a new list of key drivers—or focus areas—that we thought were most important to improvement. Now it was time to crowd-source the best ideas for interventions to tackle in each area. This tends to be the most fun part of the process!ImproveCareNow Key Driver Diagram with Primary Drivers and Space for new InterventionsThe ImproveCareNow Network has developed interventions together before. But this time, we wanted to make sure our incredible diversity and stakeholder engagement was really reflected in these new interventions. In the weeks leading up to the conference, each center interviewed patients and parents to get input on challenges and opportunities in each Key Driver area. In doing so, they opened themselves up to a variety of feedback; I know this felt risky to some centers.


Pre-work from the Spring 2015 ImproveCareNow Community Conference: Learning from Patients and ParentsBut as a community we took the risk together. Prior to the conference, nearly all of our 254 participants chose the three Key Drivers that most interested them. Once we received their choices, we put together small groups (6-9 people) that were as diverse as possible-blending people from different centers and with most groups including at least one patient, one parent, and others from several clinical roles. Planning this felt risky even as it felt like the right thing to do. Would people want to spend almost two hours of valuable conference time in an informal exercise with people outside of their peer groups? Would lone parents and patient at the tables feel overwhelmed, ignored, or vulnerable? Would conversations stall with the minutes ticking by slowly?


It ended up being a risk well worth taking. Between 2:00 pm and 4:30 pm on Saturday the low, quiet, steady buzz of conversation eased all of my concerns about people diving in and learning with those very different from themselves. Many observers noted that as  groups tackled the provided questions, the first thing they did was turn to the parent or patient at the table—deferring to their expertise. When each of the three 40-minute discussion periods ended, we worked harder than expected to get each group to wrap up and move to their next tables. And the notes that were shared—and will guide our work in the months and years ahead—are full of some of the richest, most diverse insights I’ve seen in my quality improvement career.


Example of Notes from the Small Group Discussions about ImproveCareNow Key Drivers and InterventionsWe work hard to make sure all participants in this community have the quality improvement structure, skills, and tools to achieve their goals. Even more important is making sure the right centers and people connect so they can do more together than alone. We foster this online on our ICN Exchange knowledge commons, on monthly webinars, and at our Community Conferences. Admittedly, this gets a bit more challenging as we grow and we don’t always get it right. But what these collaboration sessions showed me is that community members desperately want to keep connecting across roles and centers and that they embrace the expertise of everyone at the table. They are building their own momentum and will continue to do so even as we get bigger and push our network infrastructure to keep up. So thank you to the ImproveCareNow community for taking risks together, leaving roles and titles aside, and creating a better today and tomorrow for and with kids with IBD.

Lessons from the Field: Making the Pitch

[Editor's note: This update was shared by engagement team member Elizabeth Monti Sullivan]

Having the opportunity to represent ImproveCareNow at the recent Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center IBD Education Day gave me a firsthand view of the challenges and opportunities associated with communicating about our Network. While my ImproveCareNow Engagement and Leadership campaign team partners and I had a plan for our time at the information fair, we learned that you can never come too prepared to tell the story of this dynamic community!

We learned that building awareness and pitching involvement in ImproveCareNow to potential partners can be challenging at first, even for those of us who know a lot about the Network. And if we struggle with telling the ICN story, it must be even more challenging for our colleagues in the Network's 70+ care centers. How well can they explain ICN and its objectives? Are we sending a clear and consistent message? And why can it be so tricky to give a clear picture of ICN?

We know that ImproveCareNow is an intricate web of people, activities, and platforms. We are staff & leaders, volunteers, families, patients, sponsors, partners, clinicians, and researchers. We are many people working on many projects. You might find us talking about social media platforms and forums, quality improvement, awareness campaigns, research studies, work groups, goals and metrics, and many other things. With all of this constant activity taking place, how can we be sure we are effectively articulating who we are in ways that resonate with all of our partners?

Here is where I like to start: What we know is that ImproveCareNow centers have together increased the remission rate for registered kids with IBD from 55% to nearly 80% without using new medications. Their success is rooted in the application of quality improvement methodologies, seamless sharing of lessons learned, and a relentless focus on data that tell the story of the patients’ disease course. We know that we want to elevate and even more closely incorporate patient and family voices into the process of improving care. We are bringing together many people who focus on many different things, but all our activities share one common goal: we want to continue to be the cure for waiting for the cure. We want to outsmart IBD together!

We have heard the voices of parents and patients who see the value of collaborative improvement and are pushing us further, faster as we pursue this goal together.

Tell us what ICN means to you and how you want to be involved.

ICN Engagement Campaign

Recently, ImproveCareNow has been training participating care centers to develop and empower leaders at the center level. With this training, ImproveCareNow will have an opportunity to deepen its impact and extend its reach by focusing on equipping the whole community with the skills, knowledge and tools they need to take ownership of ImproveCareNow’s work at the local level. We are happy to announce that the first round of centers have almost completed a five-module training series and that we are about to begin rolling out training to the next group of centers!

Notes from the Field - The ICN Engagement Campaign

What does an engagement campaign have to do with a healthcare quality improvement network? ImproveCareNow leaders were wondering the exact same thing before we began learning from our friends at 270 Strategies (experts in both political and issue campaigns!) Their team is teaching us how to apply successful campaign strategies to engage a large and diverse community of people in helping kids with IBD get better, now. Quite simply, ImproveCareNow invites clinicians, parents, patients, researchers, and others to learn about our work and to lend their time, talents, and expertise so together we can learn and find innovative new ways to outsmart IBD. And right now we’re learning how to make it easy for everyone to connect with ImproveCareNow in the ways that work best for them and ensure we can harness and value each person’s unique and generous contributions - making it meaningful and rewarding to be a part of our community.

ICN is made up of many faces. This slide shows a just a few of them.In ImproveCareNow we always start with a small test. To that end six of our centers are diving in as campaign pilot centers. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Levine Children’s Hospital, and the University of Michigan CS Mott Children’s Hospital are getting some training, rolling up their sleeves, and re-framing what an ICN IBD team looks and feels like. You will hear more about their journeys in the coming months as they build momentum and start sharing what they have learned with the rest of the community. In the meantime, we wanted to highlight some of the work underway in the early days of the campaign so that you can begin to learn with us now:

Snowflakes and ImproveCareNow

Campaign pilot centers are beginning to reframe their ICN teams with the “snowflake model” in mind. The snowflake model is a way of organizing people that decentralizes leadership and increases two-way communication. Basically it makes it easier for everyone to share the work and contribute to the success. These centers have found that creating a snowflake does not necessarily mean more work for the existing team, rather, it often involves reassigning people in ways that make it easier to get existing work done more efficiently.

This slide shows a diagram of what a snowflake staffing model would look like at an ICN Care Center.

“Hard ask?” – that sounds hard!

As part of their training, the participating centers are learning that it’s OK to be really direct about what they need from potential partners. It is lot easier to say no when the ask is soft and non-specific. So rather than saying “Umm…I was thinking maybe you could help us out somehow in the next few months,” they are looking for ways to be very concrete when asking for help, “Please come to our QI meeting next Tuesday. We really need your input on our new diagnosis process.” Coordinator Cori Davis tweeted about her first hard ask. The answer was YES!

Everyone’s story matters, and is important, and can change someone else's story.

More than ever, we are seeing how stories are key to helping potential partners understand what ImproveCareNow is all about and how they can fill important gaps in the community. Our Spring Community Conference is just around the corner and we are seeing some inspiring stories as part of the pre-work, stories that make very clear just how much our Network attracts those who want to join in and become a part of our success.

Elizabeth Monti shares her ICN story.

What this means to patients and families.

We know that growing our community will only make us stronger…indeed, the theme of our Spring Community Conference is “Strength in Our Numbers”! In her beautifully written LOOP post ‘Breaking a Promise’ Sami Kennedy really drove this point home. She reminded us why being part of ImproveCareNow is important and empowering for individuals, just as it is important to the whole community. As she says, “I have been welcomed into an environment where I am encouraged to not only sit at the table, but also to stand up and address the whole room.” Sami and Jennie

Meanwhile, we still have a lot to learn.

As the campaign unfolds, the ImproveCareNow leadership team knows it has an enormous responsibility to continue to ensure the network’s success, and to help develop a system that offers tools and opportunities for co-producing health and real partnerships. And we will be the first to admit, we have a lot to learn! We need your input as we go. We want to have open, transparent discussions about the challenges and opportunities ahead so we hope to engage more of you on twitter and other social media venues to take part in an ongoing dialogue between Community Conferences and webinars. You can follow @myers3411, @michaelseid11, @PeterAMargolis, and @improvecarenow on twitter and weigh in with your feedback and concerns as we build a bigger, better community together.

Sarah Myers tweets about the work of co-producing the conference agenda for the Spring 2015 Community Conference (#ICNCC15S)

We're all in this together.

Sarah Myers is the Executive Improvement Director for ImproveCareNowA few months back I wrote about the importance of stories as we work together to improve care for  kids with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. And what a wonderful collection of stories we are building! But we also know that data and measurable outcomes (like % of kids in remission, and % of kids NOT taking steroids) are really important too. One of the most important tools ImproveCareNow (ICN) teams use is called 90-day goals.


90-day goals are meant to ground and shape teams’ quality improvement (QI) work. Teams use QI to see where the gaps are in the care they deliver to each patient, and all patients, they see with IBD, and figure out the best ways to close those gaps (or make real improvements in care and outcomes). These goals also provide a rallying point for team members, keeping them aligned, focused, and motivated. Done well, 90-day goals are incredibly motivating and help the team strive to achieve big things together, while also honing in on the individual (sometimes nebulous) ideas for improvement. In QI it is always important to refine your goal or aim into something specific, measurable, (hopefully) achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART).


I have been reflecting on the diverse goals that ICN teams set for the last quarter of 2014. I want to share some of my favorites - and give you a little snapshot of the work that is going on across the Network. Whether new to the Network or having years of experience with collaborative quality improvement, ICN centers are working to create systems that are sustainable and manageable, to better understand the needs of individual patients and groups of patients, and of course to get more patients into remission and keep them there.


A brand new center: “We will register 70 patients total (50% of our estimated eligible population).” This reflects an important focus on the basics—getting patients into the ICN registry so they can benefit from the tools available to learn from their data and make related improvements in care.


A team that is gaining momentum after about six months of participation in ImproveCareNow: “Each faculty will review a Pre-Visit Plan on at least 25% of their IBD patients.” This center has worked hard to get patients into the ImproveCareNow registry. They are now ready to focus becoming a proactive, prepared practice team—assessing the needs of patients prior to visits. They are starting small so that they can test different changes and learn as they go…before spreading to even more patients.


A “veteran” team aiming to make sure that patients transitioning to adult care are prepared for that major milestone:By December 31, 2014, we will achieve…20% increase in patients 16-18 years old with a transition plan.” This center knows that transition to adult care is so much more than just making a referral to an adult physician. They want to know that their patients have the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to navigate that journey.


And a team that has already achieved an impressive 80% remission rate, pushing to see how high they can go: “By December 31 2014, the remission rate will  consistently be 85% two of the three months of the quarter.” This center has built a reliable, proactive, and patient-centered system. They and others are setting a new bar for the outcomes that are possible when all members—patients, parents, clinicians, and improvers—work together!


It can be hard to explain what a complex system like ImproveCareNow is all about. There are a lot of moving parts! After all, we can all agree health care is very complex! As a leader in this network, I know we often talk about the big innovations, the patient stories, and the work we do to keep this community connected across the miles. But these individual goals give a real concrete look at part of the foundation of this network’s success. The day-to-day, on-the-ground work that goes on at 71 (and counting!) ICN care centers across the US and UK.


It’s important to point out that the goals of brand new teams, which focus on ensuring every patient with IBD is included in the ImproveCareNow registry and that data is 100% complete and accurate,  are no less important than the goals of more experienced teams. Once a solid foundation for improvement is laid, teams are able to focus on achieving even better outcomes (like higher remission rates). It is a continuum—a journey that all centers begin when they join ImproveCareNow. And as a Network that encourages “seamless sharing and shameless stealing,” none of the centers are working toward these goals alone. Experienced teams become mentors and coaches for newer teams even as they work toward their own goals.  And newer teams are able to go further, faster because we’re all in this together.


Thank you to the ImproveCareNow teams for another amazing set of goals. We can’t wait to see what you achieve together!


[Editor's note: Ask your care team about their ImproveCareNow goals next time you're in clinic.They'd be glad to share! Not sure if you're at an ICN center, find out here.]

Learning & Leading Together

When I’m not leading improvement activities in the ImproveCareNow network, I’m busy raising a family. As a parent of young kids, I do a lot of bedtime reading. Recently, I was reading The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) by Antione de St. Exupery to Finn, who is 7. After a few pages, Finn just wanted to go back to his other book (I will have to try again in a few years!) but it made me want to reread it after a long time.


This quote appears not far into the book:

"Grown-ups love figures...When you tell them you've made a friend they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you "What does his voice sound like? What game does he love best? Does he collect butterflies? Instead they demand "How old is he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make? Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him."


As ImproveCareNow builds an awareness and engagement campaign aimed at bringing many, many more patient and parent partners into our work, we have such wonderful models for storytelling about the “essential matters”—the story of the whole person, not just the figures like lab results, medications, and BMI. Our Patient Advisory Council (PAC) members so often share their stories as people, not just patients. They articulate their journey with IBD in ways that are wise beyond their years and make us pause and think about how we can try to be wiser and learn from them. Our Parent Working Group members have challenged us to see their children’s whole lives and faces when we look at the data we use to drive improvements. And our colleagues at Empowered by Kids are using their amazing commitment and individual talents to reach other families who need to expand their own “village.”


I am off to Chicago tomorrow for the ImproveCareNow Fall Learning Session. Learning Sessions are a time to celebrate the achievements of the past six months, but also to ponder how best to leverage the strengths of our community to do even more together. The essential questions for us now are: How will this Learning Health System reach and engage and partner with many more parents and patients? How can we pair the right people with the right action – bringing new energy and perspectives to how we run the whole network, and how things are done at each individual care center?


We know we will be even better at achieving our aims (the most important of which is getting more and more kids into remission!) with more people working with us, sharing their experience and talents and perspective. So as we plot out next steps for ImproveCareNow, I think we need to stay focused not only on “figures”, but also on “essential matters”. Our many parent, patient and clinician partners are already teaching us the importance and the impact of a story. I know I can’t wait to hear from—and really learn about—more and more of them.


The better we know each other, the easier it will be to create the future of ImproveCareNow together and to find joy in learning and leading together.


See you in Chicago!




I recently traveled to Sweden and had the opportunity to talk to many people about the work that ICN and C3N are doing. Now here in the US, I am known for talking at length about this work, all the time, to whomever will listen. But sometimes it takes being far removed from it for a few days—and seeing the reaction of a completely new community—to not only gain a deeper understanding of what we are building together but also to articulate it in ways I hadn’t before. In other words, I got to look in from the outside.

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