ImproveCareNow Transition

Episode 33 of the imPACt podcast - Pediatric IBD Patient Autonomy

Autonomy means being in control of your own decisions. For pediatric patients living with IBD, there comes a time when you get to start making decisions about your health and care more on your own. Join me (Hannah), Leela, Kera, Fizza and Ryleigh for a chat about patient autonomy in IBD care.

Episode 19 of the imPACt Podcast - Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Week 2021

Each year, December 1-7 is set aside as Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week - a time to talk about IBD and raise awareness and understanding of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. 

Episode 18 of the imPACt Podcast - IBD & Support Systems

Since we're in the month of gratitude, the PAC wanted to take time to recognize and say thanks for the amazing support we've received.

Episode 16 of the imPACt Podcast - Infusions, Injections, School & Life

Hi, it's Vanessa from the PAC! School is busy right now, but fellow-PAC-member, Fionna and I made time to sit down and record a podcast episode where we chat about personal experiences we've each had changing our IBD treatment plans and how this fits into school and life for us.

Episode 14 of the imPACt podcast - IBD & Patient-Parent Relationships

Check out this episode of imPACt, where PAC and Parent Working Group members chat about how they've experienced the evolution of the patient-parent relationships and what this looks like in the context of IBD care.

Episode 12 of the imPACt Podcast - Back to School with IBD

Listen in as I (Vanessa) join PAC members Elise, Leela and Madeline for a chat about heading back to school with IBD.

Episode 11 of the imPACt podcast - Transitioning to Adult Care

Episode 11 of the imPACt podcast brings together young adult PAC members and Dr. Michele Maddux, a clinical psychologist at Children’s Mercy Hospital, for a candid discussion about the many aspects of transitioning from pediatric to adult IBD care.

Episode 4 of the imPACt podcast - Self-Advocacy & Transition

At the Spring ICN Community Conference, PAC members led breakout sessions on the important topics of self-advocacy and pediatric-to-adult transition. In this episode of the imPACt podcast we continue the conversation about these topics with special guest, and PAC alumna, Sami Kennedy. 

Crohn’s swept life as I knew it out from under me

Hi! My name is Mary and I am 19 years old. I am currently in nursing school. I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2018. One interesting thing about me is that I have 3 nephews and a niece!

What I Need, When It’s Needed – Information on financial and insurance coverage issues

In February 2019 our Engagement Team asked the ICN Community to share what information, knowledge and know-how could help others living with IBD, and how best to get those resources into the hands of people who need them. Two weeks ago we shared feedback and resources related to “Information and resources to support psychosocial health.” Today, we're sharing about "Information on financial and insurance coverage issues."

We know there is more work to do, and this is the start of identifying resources that can help our community. If you know of any resources that address the topics shared in this post, please contact us so we can share seamlessly.

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