Primary Investigator: Jennie David, Ph.D. - Nationwide Children's Hospital
Pediatric patients with IBD are known to have higher rates of psychosocial concerns than peers without IBD, including body image complexities and disordered eating behaviors (Claytor et al., 2020; David et al., 2017; David et al.,2021). While there is emerging understanding of protective and risk factors amongst patients with IBD regarding their relationships with their bodies and food including negative weight-based interactions, there is not yet an understanding of how pediatric IBD medical providers perceive patients' weights and body sizes and if the weight stigma that has been identified in adults with IBD exists (Guo et al., 2020) in pediatrics. Future interventions to optimize psychosocial health and reduce body image and disordered eating risk in pediatric IBD may be limited in impact without exploring how, if at all, weight stigma beliefs amongst medical providers contributes to body image and disordered eating risk. Stated differently, there are likely provider-related variables that serve as protective or risk factors for pediatric IBD patients' body image and relationship with food. The foundational work to understand if weight stigma is present amongst pediatric IBD medical providers has not yet been completed. This work is critically needed for future studies to understand how weight stigma may impact patients' psychosocial health and care and to inform future patient, provider, and system levels interventions.
1) Characterize weight stigma amongst pediatric IBD medical providers,
2) Explore potential differences in weight stigma by gender, weight status, and race
Funding Source: N/A
Study Period: Starting April 2023
Recruitment Status: Currently recruiting participants
Contact: [email protected]