moc_darkgreen.pngImproveCareNow is officially approved by the American Board of Pediatrics as a collaborative QI activity eligible for credit towards part 4 of Maintenance of Certification. Initially the ABP gave only 35 credits for participation in ImproveCareNow; after lobbying by ImproveCareNow the ABP increased it to the full 40 credits required for part 4; and a subsequent rule change now allows up to 60 credits for each MOC cycle. Individual physicians participating in ImproveCareNow can be awarded 25 MOC points per year if they satisfy the completion criteria for meaningful participation; up to 60 Part IV credits could be applied per MOC cycle.  Documentation of meaningful participation is the responsibility of the Physician Leader at your center. 

To obtain the full 60 credits, 25 credits must be obtained each year for 3 years.

Here is an important explanation of how physicians can receive credit towards ABP Maintenance of Certification by participating in ImproveCareNow:

  1. Register in the ImproveCareNow registry (Outcomes) at least 75% of your patients who receive their IBD care primarily or exclusively at your practice, and submit data on at least 75% of their outpatient visits

  2. Review performance data at regular intervals

  3. Be involved in the process of performance improvement, as implemented at the site and required by the site Physician Leader, including attendance at 4 or more meetings and the application of new intervention

  4. Receive a periodic newsletter (SCOPE) for physicians from ImproveCareNow

To receive credit for participation in ImproveCareNow, you must complete an ImproveCareNow attestation form and submit it to your ImproveCareNow Physician Leader. 

Download the attestation forms and instructions below.

Download the Attestation Instructions

Download the Attestation Form for Practicing Physicians

Download the Attestation Form for Physician Leaders

Learn more about how your center can join the ImproveCareNow network!

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