ImproveCareNow Fall 2024 Community Conference COVID Policy
ImproveCareNow will comply with all federal and local guidelines and will ensure our policies and guidelines are up to date as we approach the conference.
- Masks are not required at this time as per current public health recommendations. ICN will not be providing masks, if you plan to wear one, please bring your own.
- If you are feeling unwell or showing any signs of illness, masks are highly encouraged out of respect for all other participants.
- Vaccines are mandatory for all those who are able to be vaccinated.
- Negative tests will not be required as a pre-requisite to attendance as per current public health mandates. Attendees showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 are requested to test, mask, and avoid contact with other conference attendees.
Contact Comfort Level
- At the time of conference check-in, please indicate if you prefer other attendees to maintain social distance and you will be issued a red badge lanyard.
- Participants requiring a private area for meals in order to maintain social distancing should contact Rachel Staley ([email protected]) prior to the conference.
Testing on site
- ICN will not provide testing/test kits on-site for participants.
Hospital stay
- ICN will not assume responsibility for any medical treatment required during the conference for COVID-19 specific or other conditions.