ImproveCareNow is transforming care, health and costs for all children and youth with IBD through continuous improvement, innovation and discovery. Here is a snapshot of some of the projects that are currently happening.
ImproveCareNow is conducting the first prospective randomized clinical trial to evaluate whether, for kids with Crohn's disease who need to start an anti-TNF medication, adding another medication called Methotrexate leads to better outcomes. Funded by PCORI. Learn more at the COMBINE study website.
PCORnet Patient Powered Research Network
ImproveCareNow is creating a Patient Powered Research Network (PPRN), increasing the role of patients and parents in the governance of ImproveCareNow, setting research priorities, participating in clinical research and providing reports of their health (patient reported outcomes, or PRO). Funded by PCORI.
Adalimumab Concomitant Therapy
Using data from the ImproveCareNow Registry (ICN2), this collaborative study examines the frequency and variation in the use of immunomodulator therapy (azathioprine, 6-MP and methotrexate) with adalimumab (Humira). Funded by AbbVie.
Adalimumab Effectiveness Study
Using data from the ImproveCareNow Registry (ICN2), this collaborative study will examine the effectiveness of adalimumab in the treatment of pediatric Crohn's disease. Funded by AbbVie.