Check out this episode of imPACt, where PAC and Parent Working Group members chat about how they've experienced the evolution of the patient-parent relationships and what this looks like in the context of IBD care.

Parents and/or guardians often play a huge role in helping pediatric patients with IBD navigate and manage their IBD care. However, as patients grow older and gain independence, they may want to take more of a lead in their own care. This transition often shifts the roles of the parent and the patient. 

In this episode, Lisa and John, parents of a son who lives with Crohn's disease, share what that transition feels like from the parent perspective. Fionna and I (Shira) share our own perspectives as young adult patients. We talk about our experiences with evolving patient-parent relationships as we become more independent, while at the same time still relying on our parents for certain types of support in our IBD care. We share examples of what kinds of parental support have been vital to our physical and mental well-being.

Thank you so much to Lisa and John for joining this conversation!

Here's where to listen:


imPACt is a podcast launched by the Patient Advisory Council (PAC) of ImproveCareNow in early 2021, where members talk openly about IBD with a goal of raising awareness and inclusivity, and connecting with listeners, each other, and podcast guests. Episodes will be hosted on Anchor by Spotify and be made available on other major podcast platforms. Subscribe to receive new episodes in your podcast feeds!
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As we mentioned in Episode 11 (Transitioning to Adult Care), the Transfer Toolkit and MyHealth Passport are two resources @ICNPatients members find really useful when taking more responsibility for their own IBD care.
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