Hi, my name is Jen, and my 11-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in late January 2019. Thankfully, a family friend recommended Seattle Children’s and mentioned that they have been successfully using the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) as all or part of many patients’ treatment plans. Because nutrition therapy was something we were interested in, we decided to make an appointment there right away.

Since our first appointment with the Seattle team, and implementing the SCD, our daughter is healthy, absorbing nutrients and really close to achieving remission! She has improved leaps and bounds from pre-diagnosis. When we went for our April checkup, our doctor shared the ImproveCareNow mission with us and we signed on!

We had a great visit. Our daughter brought her dragon mask with her for our 3-hour trek across the state to Seattle. She likes to bring it along on her doctor visits and wears it off and on, she tells me “just to remind myself that I am fierce, like a dragon!”

We are so thankful for Seattle Children’s and happy to be part of ICN!


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Learn more about PRODUCE - a nutrition intervention study examining the effectiveness of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet in reducing symptoms and inflammatory burden in patients with IBD.

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