PAC members weigh in on how they like to manage stress and take care of themselves leading up to school exams or the end of a semester. Here is what they said:

“Making sure I get sleep.” —Becky

“As hard as it is, I try to start assignments as early as possible to reduce stress later. On the flip side, if I feel like I can’t start my work, I know I am likely just burnt out and need to take a break and do something fun to recharge.” —Rohit

“I reach out to my professors if I have infusions or medical stuff conflicting with quizzes and tests to make a plan.” —Maha

“Figuring out when I am productive and working then, at that time of the day.” —Laurel

“I try to plan appointments around less stressful school times, and during weeks that are not so busy at school. And I monitor my well-being during stressful times.” —Shira


PAC Moments is a series of short stories originally shared by members of the Patient Advisory Council on their social media channels. They are being re-shared on LOOP as a way to reach more people and raise more awareness of IBD. We hope you'll share these with others and ask them to take a moment to read + learn more about #LifeWithIBD 💚💙
Fionna and Vanessa are co-leads of the PAC Communications taskforce. In this role, they help PAC members share their IBD stories and experiences on social media, #InTheLOOP and across the IBD Community - to raise awareness, build community and help others with IBD know they are not alone. You can connect with Fionna, Vanessa and the PAC on social media @ICNPatients or by visiting and completing the contact form.
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