Improved Outcomes in a Quality Improvement Collaborative for Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Published April 12, 2012
Crandall WV, Margolis PA, Kappelman MD, King EC, Pratt JM, Boyle BM, Duffy LF, Grunow JE, Kim SC, Leibowitz I, Schoen BT, Colletti RB, for the ImproveCareNow Collaborative. Improved outcomes in a quality improvement collaborative for pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. Pediatrics 2012;129:e1030-e1041
There is evidence of significant variation in the care of pediatric patients with ulcerative colitis. Variation in the delivery of effective therapy may reduce the likelihood of favorable outcomes. Quality Improvement (QI) methods aimed at improving systems of care delivery can reduce unwanted variation and improve patient outcomes.
What’s in a name generator? Choosing the right name generators for social network surveys in healthcare quality and safety research
Published July 10, 2012
Burt RS, Meltzer DO, Seid M, Borgert A, Chung JW, Colletti RB, Dellal G, Kahn S, Kaplan H, Peterson L, Margolis P. What’s in a name generator? Choosing the right name generators for social network surveys in healthcare quality and safety research. BMJ Qual Saf 2012;21:992-1000
Interest in the use of social network analysis (SNA) in healthcare research has increased, but there has been little methodological research on how to choose the name generators that are often used to collect primary data on the social connection between individuals for SNA.
Role of gender in the treatment and clinical outcomes of pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Published December 2012
Lee GJ, Kappelman MD, Boyle B, Colletti RB, King E, Pratt JM, Crandall WV. Role of gender in the treatment and clinical outcomes of pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012; 55:701-6
We performed a cross-sectional analysis of children with Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) using data from the ImproveCareNow Network collected between May 2007 and May 2010. Clinical remission, disease severity, body mass index (BMI) z scores, normal height velocity, and medication use were analyzed by sex and age.