I was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 1984. Very little was known about IBD. Hospitals were isolated...no one shared information. Now over 30 years later....I never thought I would be a part of a collaborative network that's main goal is to share information and data. When our son was diagnosed with Crohn's disease....I felt like it was time to step up and have a voice.


I have a voice at our care center with ImproveCareNow. Our Parent Advisory Council brings ideas and solutions to the table to improve care at our hospital. We as parents can sit side by side...shoulder to shoulder with doctors, nurses, researchers and social workers and be treated as equals. The clinicians are the experts on the medicine...but we as parents are the experts on our children. And because we are working together as a team...we have proof that more children who are being treated at care centers through ImproveCareNow across the country are achieving remission.

We are making a difference! This is my mission: If not a cure in my life time....at least in our son's!


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