Hi, my name is Nikhil. When I wrote my first post for LOOP back in April, I said I wanted to share more about my experiences eating certain foods as a vegetarian who lives with ulcerative colitis. I decided that the first food I wanted to talk about would be something that I really enjoy eating, so it was a no-brainer for me to choose to write about eggs.

*Disclaimer* I am not giving any medical or dietary advice. I am only sharing what has worked for me.

Eggs are one of my favorite foods, and I believe they have really helped me during my IBD journey.

One thing I like so much about eggs is how many different ways they can be prepared (my personal favorites are scrambled, hard-boiled, and omelette). Overall, eggs provide me with a filling and nutritious breakfast to eat several times a week. Where other foods leave me feeling hungry again within an hour or so, eggs usually keep me full for a few hours.

A few years ago, I used to eat cereal for breakfast every single day, but after finding out that I am mildly lactose intolerant, I began eating eggs more regularly. I think the nutritional value of eggs, which include protein and minerals such as iron, along with the fact that I tolerate them well are good reasons to keep eating them on a regular basis.

Do you eat eggs?

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