I’m Pam, and I’m a member of the ICN Parent Working Group (PWG). My husband Kraig and I have three teenagers, and I became involved in ICN soon after our oldest son was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. He first started having symptoms in the fall of 2015 and was diagnosed in March 2016.

I feel like it was a quick diagnosis, but the next process of finding the right medication for him was more difficult. After six months of trying different treatments we decided to try Humira, along with methotrexate, and luckily, he went into remission.

It just so happens this combination of treatment is being studied right now by ICN in the COMBINE trial. It is one of the largest studies ICN has done and its goal is to find out if biologics are more effective with the use of methotrexate. Our son is not participating in the COMBINE Trial, because it started after he went on the medication. You can learn all about the COMBINE Trial here >>

Our experience has been that the combination of biologic medication and methotrexate is working well for our son. He has been in remission for two years and we are hopeful it will continue to work for him. He is also on a daily regimen of multivitamins, fish oil, vitamin D, probiotics and a couple different essential oil immunity boosters. Along with these supplements, good nutrition, and regular exercise we believe he will be able to stay in remission for a longer period of time.

I participate in ICN and their PWG because it’s important to me to be connected with a group of people who are open to sharing their experiences and learning with each other, and who are also supportive of one another.


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