Please refer to the following list of options as you decide which breakout sessions to attend at the Spring 2019 ImproveCareNow Community Conference. You can also download the breakout descriptions.
Please consult with colleagues attending from your center (including parent and patient partners) to maximize your team’s exposure to these sessions—plan to divide and conquer! Please contact [email protected] with any questions about these breakouts.
Saturday March 29 1:30–2:30 pm: Learn, Do, Share—Skills & Special Topic Breakouts I |
Research: Research Improvement – Hardwiring your System for Results
- Discuss successful strategies for recruiting patients to participate in research studies
- Refine a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and develop a visual management system for research
- Identify strategies for engaging patients and clinicians
QI: Introduction to the Model for Improvement and Aim Setting
- Learn how to use the Model for Improvement to structure improvement efforts
- Learn how to set a SMART aim for QI projects
Data: Mastering Hospitalization Data – Improving and Future Design
- Be introduced to ImproveCareNow’s new hospitalization outcome measures and learn how they can be used to drive improvement and learning
- Explore the barriers and solutions for effectively capturing and entering hospitalization data to increase reliability and enhance population management processes
Engagement: If You Build it...They will Come – Blueprint for Successful Collaboration and Center Engagement
- Learn how to assess center readiness to collaborate with parent and patient partners
- You have parent and patient partners ... Now what???
- Create a blueprint to successfully build your center's engagement community
Clinical: Decision Making and Outcomes of Thiopurine Treated IBD Patients
- Learn about the risks, benefits, and outcomes of patients who decided to discontinue or maintain a Thiopurine for treatment of their IBD
- Understand how one care center analyzed their data on 6MP to improve the quality of care for approximately 100 patients
Other: Mental Health and IBD – Supporting Patients at Home and in Clinic
- Hear PAC members sharing brief stories about their experiences with anxiety and/or depression
- Explore how parents might discuss mental health with their child and encourage good mental health practices
- Learn what physicians have done to help PAC members manage anxiety and/or depression
Sunday March 31 10:35–11:35 am: Learn, Do, Share—Skills & Special Topic Breakouts II
Research: Recent Clinical Research Findings from our ImproveCareNow Registry Data
- Discuss successful strategies for recruiting patients to participate in research studies
- Review a refined FMEA and developed a visual management system for research
- Identify strategies for engaging patients and clinicians
Clinical: Pre-Visit Planning for Quiescent IBD Patients on Biologic Therapy
- Learn how one care center used QI tools to improve their Pre-Visit Planning processes
- Understand how a care center improved care for IBD patients who have quiescent disease and are on biologic therapy by increasing the reliability for health maintenance processes including TB Screening, Hep B Screening, vitamin D levels and Pneumococcal vaccinations
QI: Improvement Tools – Process Mapping and Simplified FMEAs
- Understand when Process Mapping and the Simplified FMEA tool can be used to support your improvement efforts
- Learn and practice applying the tools
QI: Building QI Culture — Simulation of Visual Management and Huddles
- Learn how visual management techniques can foster a culture of improvement
- Learn how to use huddles to improve communication and create a steady drum beat to drive your improvement efforts
Data: The Value of Data Quality – Why it is Important to Everyone!
- Learn about the six components of data quality
- Explore the tools and resources available to help your care center improve and sustain data quality
- Develop strategies to test by “next Tuesday”
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