Please contact us if you'd like a copy of any presentation listed below. 

CME/CNE Handout

12:00-12:15 pm | Welcome, Introductions, and Agenda for the Day | Presentation

12:15-12:45 pm | The Importance of ImproveCareNow in Achieving Optimal Health and Care | Presentation

12:45-1:05 pm | Navigating ImproveCareNow | Presentation | Who Ya Gonna Call Handout

1:05-1:45, 2:00-2:40, 2:40-3:20 pm | Developing Effective ICN Systems: Action Stations Part I – III
Action Station 1: Master Lists – Maintaining Registerable Population 
Action Station 2: Setting up your Data Systems
Action Station 3: Importance of Families to ICN – Consenting as a Process & Family Engagement

3:35-4:00 pm | Creating the ImproveCareNow Culture at your Care Center | Presentation

4:00-4:20 pm | Panel Discussion: What About Research? | Presentation

4:20-4:45 pm | Reflection, Planning, and Mentoring | Presentation

4:45-5:00 pm | Tying it Together

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