ImproveCareNow is delighted to offer up to 9.20 American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment (Part II) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) points for participation in our upcoming Live Online Community Conference (LOCC) on Thursday, September 30th & Friday, October 1st. You can review the agenda here.
Requirements for Earning up to 9.20 Part II MOC Points:
- Attend the LOCC and provide responses for the eligible sessions via two surveys available on the home page of the Pathable Conference Platform. There is one survey for each day. If you attend the LOCC on both days, you need to submit both surveys.
- Ensure your responses meet the MOC passing standard. Learners write a reflective statement that describes at least one new element of practice and make a commitment to change or maintain an element of practice. All answers must be submitted in full sentences.
Instructions for Preparing and Submitting your MOC Response Form
To earn up to 9.20 MOC Part II points, the ABP asks learners to reflect on the content during the Live Online Community Conference, write down what they have learned, and indicate what practices they will maintain or change. Please keep the Thursday & Friday surveys open throughout the Live Online Community Conference and use it as a prompt for thoughtful reflection. Please complete responses only for the sessions you attend. Responses must be submitted no later than Tuesday, October 5th.
*New* To earn up to 4.6 MOC Part II points for each day for a total 9.20 MOC Part II points, please complete responses for the time blocks that you attend. Please note that there are 2 time blocks (morning and afternoon) that offer you an opportunity to self-assess and 2.3 points will be awarded up to 4.6 points total.
Thursday, September 30th | 4.6 points available
- Time Block 1 - Thursday Morning:
- Welcome to the Fall Live Online Community Conference
- State of the Network and Executive Director Address
- Outcomes Plenary: Pathway to Mastery and Advancement
- Patient Ignite Talk
- Community Proposed Breakouts I
Time Block 2 - Thursday Afternoon:
- Outcomes Plenary: Predicting Outcomes and Personalizing Treatment Decisions for Patients with Crohn's Disease
- Community Proposed Breakouts II
- Engagement Plenary: Stronger Together: Celebrating our CIRCLE, Amplifying Participation and Community Partnerships
- Clinical Ignite Talk I
- End of Day Wrap-up
Friday, October 1st | 4.6 points available
Time Block 1 - Friday Morning:
- Welcome and Agenda for the Day
- Network Sustainability Plenary: Leadership Learnings Across ICN - A Panel Discussion
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Plenary: DEI Committee Updates
- Parent Ignite Talk
- Community Proposed Breakouts III
Time Block 2 - Friday Afternoon:
- Role Specific Breakouts
- Community Proposed Breakouts IV
- Outcomes Plenary: Getting to Remission
- Clinical Ignite Talk II
- End of Day Wrap-up/Closing Remarks