In 2021, Executive Leadership and key members of the ImproveCareNow network, completed a successful strategic planning period. Through this planning, the following domains were identified as key focal areas for the next three years: Outcomes; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or “DEI”; Sustainability; Engagement; Technology.

Each of the strategic domains have key goals and drivers that the network will work on together over the next three years. We will periodically update the network and community on the progress toward these goals. Until then, we encourage you to review our 2021 / 2022 Annual Update which captures a high-level update on the work ImproveCareNow has accomplished in 2021 and plans for our continued work to improve health, care, and costs for young people with IBD in 2022 and beyond.


Strategic Domain Goals for 2021-2024



Increase remission rates across the network by 0.5%-1% per year through intentional QI and research endeavors


Identify and begin to address inequity in the ICN patient population and across network leadership, participants, and teams


Develop a more sustainable and diversified funding, research, and leadership structure to advance the ICN mission while identifying and developing the next generation of community leadership


Strengthen the presence of ImproveCareNow as the leader in the pediatric IBD community


Leverage ICN’s integrated technology platform to better support all network stakeholders


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