A (Health Improvement) Community Commons—the ICN Exchange
Posted by Sarah Myers on September 30, 2016
I recently wrote about the many ways that improvers can connect in learning health communities like ImproveCareNow. One of the most important ways in which we connect is via our online community commons—the ICN Exchange. This community commons has been designed to make it easier for individuals and groups to: (1) find other like-minded people, (2) find activities they want and tips for doing a better job at them, (3) have shared goals and accountability, (4) and have the right maps and guides for their improvement journey. It’s a place to share tools, knowledge, and ideas. It also has an important role in supporting community building and distributed leadership. We are all on equal footing on the ICN Exchange—clinicians, parents, and patients alike—and we all have a role in building this commons.
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