Posted by ImproveCareNow™ on April 05, 2016
ImproveCareNow Community Conferences happen twice a year. Together we work on developing and spreading Quality Improvement (QI) and research skills and approaches; fueling our Network’s use of data to drive and evaluate QI efforts; and developing partnerships that will lead to improved care processes and outcomes in pediatric IBD.
In just a couple of days we’ll welcome 280 patients, parents, clinicians, researchers, improvers, collaborators, and supporters to the Spring 2016 Community Conference in Dallas, Texas and we hope you’ll join us too. Here’s how:
Check out our Conference Agenda. In ImproveCareNow we have a motto: ‘all teach, all learn’. As you review the agenda notice that six of our sessions have been developed by members of the ImproveCareNow community. Patient Advisory Council (@ICNpatients) members are presenting nearly 1/3 of all community-developed sessions.
After looking over the agenda, I bet there are some topics you’re excited to learn more about. Connect with @improvecarenow on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook so you can see the conference unfold through tweets and posts, pictures and videos – and so you can join the conversation! Here’s how:
Follow ImproveCareNow on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook:
#ICNCC16S is our Spring 2016 Community Conference hashtag. It was created via Symplur and the Healthcare Hashtag Project, which is aimed at connecting the dots in healthcare social media. By including #ICNCC16S in posts and tweets from and about the Community Conference we can document and share learning and ideas, make connections with our colleagues and community, and spread awareness of ImproveCareNow and IBD