According to a recently released report by the US News & World Report1, ImproveCareNow centers are among the best children’s hospitals, ranked at the top of the Honor Roll and in Gastroenterology specialty. Rankings are based on a reputational survey sent to pediatric specialists and a data survey that is sent to a handpicked set of hospitals.

The top five Honor Roll children’s hospitals are participating in ImproveCareNow.  Honor roll hospitals excel in at least four specialty areas.  In addition, the top five children’s hospitals for Gastroenterology are participating in ImproveCareNow.    

6 of 11 Honor Roll Hospitals participate in ImproveCareNow:

Rank: 1            Children’s Hospital Boston

Rank: 1            Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Rank: 3            Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Rank: 4            Texas Children’s Hospital

Rank: 5            Children’s Hospital Colorado

Rank: 8            St. Louis Children’s Hospital (set to join)

14 of the top 30 Gastroenterology Hospitals participate in ImproveCareNow:

# 1       Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

# 2       Children’s Hospital Boston

# 3       Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

# 4       Texas Children’s Hospital

# 5       Children’s Hospital Colorado

# 7       Nationwide Children’s Hospital

# 13     St. Louis Children’s Hospital (set to join)

# 15     Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

# 17     Nemours / Alfred I. DuPont Hospital for Children

# 23     UT Southwestern Medical Center / Children’s Medical Center Dallas

# 24     Children’s Mercy Hospital

# 25     University of Michigan

# 28     MassGeneral Children’s Hospital

# 29     Mayo Clinic

ImproveCareNow is currently a collaborative network of 30 pediatric gastroenterology centers who have come together to improve the care and lives of kids with Crohn’s and colitis.   Our vision, however, extends much farther.  We hope all children and adolescents in the United States with Crohn’s and colitis will soon be participating in ImproveCareNow so that over 10,000 more will be in remission. 

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