Colletti RB, Baldassano RN, Milov DE, Margolis PA, Bousvaros A, Crandall WV,  Crissinger KD, D’Amico MA, Day AS, Denson LA, Dubinsky M,  Ebach DR, Hoffenberg EJ,  Kader HA, Keljo DJ, Leibowitz IH, Mamula P, Pfefferkorn MD,  Qureshi MA (2009). Variation in Care in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease.  Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition 49(3), pg. 297-303.

Variation in medical care can be a barrier to improving clinical outcomes.  We aim to describe the variation in care of Crohn disease as provided by a broad sample of pediatric gastroenterologists.

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