Co-designing a collaborative chronic care network (C3N) for inflammatory bowel disease: development of methods
Published February 22, 2018
Seid M, Dellal G, Peterson LE, Provost L, Gloor PA, Fore DL, Margolis PA . Co-designing a collaborative chronic care network (C3N) for inflammatory bowel disease: development of methods. JMIR Hum Factors 2018;5(1): e8
Our health care system fails to deliver necessary results, and incremental system improvements will not deliver needed change. Learning health systems (LHSs) are seen as a means to accelerate outcomes, improve care delivery, and further clinical research; yet, few such systems exist. We describe the process of codesigning, with all relevant stakeholders, an approach for creating a collaborative chronic care network (C3N), a peer-produced networked LHS.
"A Guide to Gutsy Living": Patient Driven Development of a Pediatric Ostomy Toolkit
Published May 2018
David J, Jofriet A, Seid M, Margolis PA. "A Guide to Gutsy Living": Patient Driven Development of a Pediatric Ostomy Toolkit. Pediatrics 2018;141(5): e20172789
In this article, patients describe how they harnessed the capacity of a collaborative chronic care network and were supported to develop a psychosocial resource that patients needed.
Additional links
A Guide to Gutsy Living - on LOOP
New Guide helps kids, adolescents living with ostomies
Accuracy of the medication list in the electronic health record-implications for care, research, and improvement
Published May 15, 2018
Walsh KE, Marsolo KA, Davis C, Todd T, Martineau B, Arbaugh C, Verly F, Samson C, Margolis PA . Accuracy of the medication list in the electronic health record-implications for care, research, and improvement. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 25 2018;(7): 909-912
Electronic medication lists may be useful in clinical decision support and research, but their accuracy is not well described. The aim of this article was to assess the completeness of the medication list compared to the clinical narrative in the electronic health record.
Obesity Does Not Affect Early Outcomes in Children With Newly Diagnosed Crohn Disease
Published November 2018
Jain A, Bricker J, Kappelman MD, Dotson JL
We aimed to evaluate disease-related outcomes in overweight and obese children with CD, compared to normal-weight children.
Improving care in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease
Published December 1, 2018
Egberg M, Kappelman M, Gulati A . Improving care in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America 47 2018;(4): 909-919
This article describes a brief history of health care QI, identifies gaps and challenges in delivery of quality pediatric IBD care, highlights several IBD QI initiatives, and concludes with future directions for improving pediatric IBD outcomes.