Hotel Information
The Fairmont Dallas Hotel
1717 N. Akard St.
Dallas, TX 75201
Network: Fairmont_Meeting
Password: ICNCC22F
Hotel Layout
ImproveCareNow network participants use the ICN Hub to collaborate and share files. Presentations from the Fall Community Conference will be posted on the Hub after the event.
Learn how to join the ICN Hub.
Download the final agenda for the Fall 2022 Community Conference - updated with rooms!
Presentations can be found on the ICN Hub in Shared Community Resources.
Highlights from Agenda
- Wed., September 21: Pre-Conference Welcome Reception / Engagement Fair
Thurs., September 22: Pre-Conference AbbVie Product Theater (for healthcare professionals only)
- Still in the Game Treating Pediatric UC and CD with a Biologic That Can Deliver Results; Ashish Patel, MD
- Dr. Ashish Patel will be discussing the safety and efficacy of an approved treatment for pediatric patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
Thurs., September 22: Community Conference
- Clinical Plenary: Pregnancy and Drug Safety in the Patient with IBD
- Research Plenary: Research Updates from COMBINE and SaFR Kids
Fri., September 23: Pre-Conference Symposium sponsored by Nestlé Health Science
- Diet in Pediatric IBD: From Causation to Treatment; Prof. Eytan Wine
Fri., September 23: Community Conference
- DEI Plenary: Forging Ahead: Updates from the ICN DEI Committee
- Engagement Plenary: The Patient Advisory Council (PAC): Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going
ImproveCareNow network participants use the ICN Hub to collaborate and share files. Presentations from the Fall Community Conference have been posted in Shared Community Resources.
We want to make sure that we make the most of our time together in Dallas. Please read or review the following articles or documents before the Community Conference on September 21 - 23.
Pre-Work by Session
Thurs., Sept. 22 - Pathway to Mastery Learning Lab Breakouts
Not sure which Learning Lab your care center is in? You can review the list here:
1) Read the following articles:
- Running PDSA cycles - Patricia Christoff, RPh, Pharm D, BCPPS, AE-C
- A primer on PDSA: executing plan-do-study-act cycles in practice, not just in name - Jerome A Leis, Kaveh G Shojania
2) Review your Learning Lab's Key Driver Diagram (KDD)
- Foundations
- Remission:
- Sustained Remission:
3) Download the QI Toolkit
Fri., Sept. 23 - Role Specific Breakouts
While every role is encouraged to review the recently updated version of the Model Care Guidelines, this will specifically be referenced in the Physician, Advanced Practice Clinicians & Nurses Breakout.
You will need an ICN Hub account to access the latest version.
Quick Links
Learning Lab Groups on the ICN Hub for ICN Network participants
- Foundations:
- Remission:
- Sustained Remission:
Refer to the following list of options as you decide which breakout sessions to attend at the ImproveCareNow Fall 2022 Community Conference. Consult with colleagues attending from your center (including parent and patient partners) to maximize your team’s exposure to these sessions—plan to divide and conquer! Please contact [email protected] with any questions about these breakouts.
Jump to Friday
Thursday, September 22
11:35 am CT Community Proposed Breakouts I
Clinical: (2 presentations)
1) IBD Chat: A Telehealth Success
2) Transition and Transfer Around the World: Barriers, Facilitators and Learnings from Both Sides of the Atlantic
Psychosocial: Supporting the Whole Person in Pediatric IBD Care: Navigating Being a ‘Good’ Patient and Experiences of Grief in Chronic Illness
- Recognize the role of seeing patients and families as whole people and the impact on IBD care (e.g., adherence, transition readiness)
- Understand the complex and dynamic nature of grief associated with a patient’s journey with chronic illness
- Understand the importance of grief in helping patients cope with loss
- Understand the roles of each individual in supporting whole person care in pediatric IBD (GI provider, psychologist, parent, patient)
- Identify strategies to support whole person care of pediatric IBD patients (e.g., language considerations, topics/content to normalize for families)
Engagement: Achieving Equity in Patient Engagement
- Participants will leave the session with a menu of strategies to improve equitable recruitment and engagement processes of Patient and Family Partners (PFPs) at their care center, will have had a chance to brainstorm a PDSA, and they will be prepared to bring their plan to their care team for discussion and implementation
Technology / Quality Improvement: Advancing Population Management: Utilizing the EMR to Enhance Biologic TDM
- Define proactive therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), the clinical importance of therapeutic drug levels, and the frequency of subtherapeutic anti-TNF levels
- Describe the impact quality improvement initiatives can have on the standardization and utilization of TDM
- Detail how the use of automated and innovative technology can improve the efficiency and resources required for QI initiatives
2 pm CT Community Proposed Breakouts II
Research: (2 presentations)
1) Real World Effectiveness of Vedolizumab for the Treatment of Pediatric Crohn’s Disease
2) Phenotype of Pediatric IBD in Asian American Children
- This session will provide updates on the above studies by each of the investigators.
Psychosocial: Pediatric Patient Autonomy
Engagement: An Evolving Journey at Levine Children’s Hospital: Generating Social Engagement and Support
- Generate ideas for starting initiatives at their own centers
- Consideration of funding sources
- Ideas for outreach and promotion of events
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Screening for Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the Outpatient Setting: A Quality Improvement Initiative
- Examine the importance of Social Determinants of Health in pediatric patients with IBD
- Discuss screening of IBD patients for Social Determinants of Health while helping to meet their social needs
- SDH Screener
- Connecting Health Care to Self Care - Bronx Resource List
2:40 pm CT Pathway to Mastery Learning Lab Breakouts
3:25 pm CT Community Breakouts
Clinical: Breaking Biosimilar Barriers: Incorporating Biosimilars into Your Practice
Nutrition: Dietary Therapies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Implications on Health and Disease
- Define and understand the importance of diet in IBD
Psychosocial: Let’s Get Personal: Teaming Up to Address Important Topics in Adolescent and Young Adult Health
- Understand the impact and interactions of IBD and reproductive health and substance use
- Partner with patients and families to conduct open, respectful conversations about substance use and sexual and reproductive health
- Learn where there are gaps in patient education surrounding sex and drug/alcohol use
- Discuss language/assumptions which can be harmful to patients when having these talks
- Apply and analyze strategies to more effectively address sexual health needs in a sensitive and inclusive way
- Identify tools and clinical process to facilitate such conversations as part of routine care
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Increasing Diversity in Pediatric IBD Clinical Trials: An Opportunity
- Gain insights into the diversity of research subjects in published clinical trials both in adults and pediatrics
- Understand clinical trial participation from panelists lived experiences as a patient or a provider from a diverse background
- Identify strategies to bridge the gap from experience and perspective to increase diversity in future clinical trials
4:40 pm CT Research Plenary
Research updates from COMBINE and SaFR Kids
For questions from this session, please email [email protected]
Friday, September 23
11 am CT Community Proposed Breakouts IV
Clinical: Venous Thromboembolism in Pediatric IBD: Approaches for Screening and Prevention in Hospitalized Patients
- Understand and identify risk factors for VTE in pediatric IBD patients
- Use physical and pharmacological methods for thromboprophylaxis in hospitalized pediatric IBD patients
- Feel empowered to develop plans at your center to improve awareness of and prevention around VTE in hospitalized PIBD
Nutrition: Decreasing Barriers to Utilization of the Crohn’s Disease Exclusion Diet (CDED)
- Understand the challenges with and opportunities for implementing this novel diet therapy across the network
- Showcase the role of process mapping and PDSAs in increasing access and decreasing barriers to utilization of CDED
- Highlight next steps in future QI work on CDED implementation
Clinical: Treat to Target (T2T): A New Era of IBD Care
- Learn "the what and why" of Treat 2 Target
- Analyze and understand baseline data as an impetus of change
- Implement different methods of intervention for improving outcomes with PDSA cycles
- Understand the role of all clinical and non-clinical members in the care of IBD patients
Technology / Quality Improvement: Using the Registry to Drive Outcomes
- Become familiar with the ICN Outcomes registry functionality and reports to improve patient outcomes
12 pm CT Role Specific Breakouts
Join your colleagues to discuss updates to current projects, celebrate successes, troubleshoot any challenges and identify new opportunities to contribute to the community. Handouts or items to reference during this session will be listed below.
Physicians, Advanced Practice Providers, Nurses
- Review Model Care Guidelines (on the ICN Hub - learn how to register)
Social Work & Psychosocial Professionals (SWAP)
- How can Psychology Support your patients, families and ICN Center? (handout)
- How can Social Work Support your patients, families and ICN Center? (handout)
Patient Advisory Council (PAC)
Parent/Family Advisory Council (PFAC)
ImproveCareNow is delighted to offer up to 9 American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment (Part II) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) points for participation in our upcoming Fall 2022 Community Conference on Thursday, September 22 & Friday, September 23. In order to be eligible for MOC Part II, you must be accredited through the ABP and have an ABP ID. Review the Agenda.
Requirements for Earning up to 9 Part II MOC Points
- Attend the Community Conference and provide responses for sessions that are attended via two digital surveys that will be made available each day on this page.
- Ensure your responses meet the MOC passing standard. Learners write a reflective statement that describes at least one new element of practice and make a commitment to change or maintain an element of practice. All answers must be submitted in full sentences.
Instructions for Preparing and Submitting your MOC Response Form
To earn up to 9 MOC Part II points, the ABP asks learners to reflect on the content during the Fall Community Conference, write down what they have learned, and indicate what practices they will maintain or change. We recommend that you keep the Thursday & Friday digital surveys open throughout the Community Conference and use them as a prompt for thoughtful reflection.
To earn up to 4.5 MOC Part II points for each day for a total 9 MOC Part II points, please complete responses only for the sessions in the time blocks that you attend. There are two time blocks (morning and afternoon) that offer you an opportunity to self-assess and 2.25 points will be awarded up to 4.5 points total each day. Please review the sessions that will be available for educational credit below.
**Responses must be submitted no later than Tuesday, September 27, 2022 to receive credit. Credit cannot be awarded after that date**
Thursday, September 22| 4.5 points available Survey link will be available during the conference
Time Block 1 - Thursday Morning:
- State of the Network and Executive Director Address (Pathway to Mastery Advancement and Outcomes)
- Patient Ignite Talk
- Clinical Plenary: Pregnancy and Drug Safety in the Patient with IBD
- Community Proposed Breakouts I
Time Block 2 - Thursday Afternoon:
- Community Proposed Breakouts II
- Pathway to Mastery Learning Labs
- Community Proposed Breakouts III
- Research Plenary: Research Updates from COMBINE and SaFR Kids
Friday, September 23| 4.5 points available Survey link will be available during the conference
Time Block 1 - Friday Morning:
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Plenary: Forging Ahead: Updates from the ICN DEI Committee
- Engagement Plenary: The Patient Advisory Council (PAC): Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going
- Parent Ignite Talk
Time Block 2 - Friday Afternoon:
- Community Proposed Breakouts IV
- Role Specific Sessions
- Final Thoughts with Executive Directors
Please review the Education Handout if you are planning to claim education credit. The following credits can be awarded:
- 9 credit hours can be awarded for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
- 8.75 credit hours for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) contact hours
- 9 credits for Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits
After the Fall Community Conference, we will share the Conference Evaluation with all attendees. After completing the evaluation, you will be redirected to the CCHMC CME Cloud to claim credit. If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected].
Digital Flyers & Opportunities seen at the Engagement Fair! Be sure to click on the image to download PDFs.
Improvement Opportunities
Research Opportunities
Bookmark this page for more Research Opportunities as they become available
Patient Advisory Council
ImproveCareNow Flyers
Community Conferences are energizing and fast-paced. Together we do a lot of learning, sharing and connecting. Twitter is a fast, free and easy way to document and share learnings and ideas, connect with our ICN colleagues and community, and generate and spread awareness and enthusiasm for our work. Here are some tips so you can join the conversation!
Use Twitter to join the conversation! Here’s how:
- Sign up for or log into a Twitter account at
- Follow @improvecarenow and @icnpatients on Twitter
- Tweet to @improvecarenow and @icnpatients so we can follow you and add you to our Community Conference list
- Include #ICNCC22F in every tweet from or about the Fall 2022 Community Conference
Want to do more? Take Twitter to the next level
- Tweet and add your #improvecarenow story to your profile
- Ask a friend or colleague to join you on Twitter
- Tweet LIVE from an #ICNCC22F session. TIP: Let us know what session you’re tweeting from. Retweet & reply to others’ tweets to build a thread
- Tweet at others in your network to connect them with @improvecarenow and @icnpatients and the #ICNCC22F story
Quick Links
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ImproveCareNow Fall 2022 Community Conference
COVID-19 Policy
ImproveCareNow (ICN) will comply with all federal and local guidelines and will ensure our policies and guidelines are up to date as we approach the conference. Seating arrangements for meals, plenary sessions and breakouts (rounds or classroom style) will be determined as the conference date approaches.
- Updated 8/1/2022: Masks are now required to be worn by attendees during conference activities. Please be prepared by bringing your own mask(s). ICN will evaluate the levels of infection and spread approaching the time of the conference and determine if other modifications need to be made at that time.
- Please note that ICN cannot control for, or enforce masking behaviors of other hotel guests, employees or individuals in and around the area of the conference.
- Vaccines (primary series plus at least one booster) are mandatory and proof of vaccination will be required.
- Medical or religious exemptions are accepted. If requesting, proof of exemption will be required, and any non-vaccinated attendees will be required to mask at all times.
- Negative tests will not be required as a pre-requisite to attendance as per current public health mandates. Attendees showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 are requested to test and avoid contact with other conference attendees.
Contact Comfort Level
- At the time of registration, please indicate your level of comfort with physical contact (socially distance, elbows only, allowing handshakes and hugs) at the conference.
- ICN will provide attendees with a visual indication of their selected comfort level in the form of a colored lanyard.
- Participants will use personal choice on eating in a large group or removing themselves to a more private area.
- ICN will work with the hotel to secure some private areas for meals to enable a greater amount of social distancing options.
Testing on site
- ICN will not provide testing/test kits on-site for participants.
Hospital stay
- ICN will not assume responsibility for any medical treatment required during the conference for COVID-19 specific or other conditions.
Extended hotel stay
- ICN will not assume costs associated with any extended hotel stays.
Pharmacy near Fairmont:
Hospital in Dallas:
Covid Policy updated 8/1/2022