
Join patients, parents, and clinicians in our second of four sessions in our Community Engagement Learning Series. July 26, 5pm ET / 2pm PT

In this session you will learn why relationship building is essential to team development and examples of how to incorporate relationship building into events and meetings.

Relationship Building to Support Team Development is part of our Community Engagement Learning Series. Each of the sessions give participants the opportunity to learn, develop skills, and plan for how to implement those skills at their care center.

Other sessions include:

More information on each of the other webinars in the Community Engagement Learning Series can be found on Events & Opportunities. If you’re interested in hosting a training at your care center please reach out to Chris Keck.


Download the July 26 event to your Outlook Calendar

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July 26, 2018 at 5:00pm - 6pm
Chris Keck

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